This fund started trading on November 18 2004.
NAV per GLD Share
Cumulative * | Trust | Gold Price (LBMA Gold Price)‡ |
Year to date * † | AWAITED | AWAITED |
1 month | AWAITED | AWAITED |
3 months | AWAITED | AWAITED |
6 months | AWAITED | AWAITED |
1 year | AWAITED | AWAITED |
5 year § | AWAITED | AWAITED |
Since inception (to month end) § | AWAITED | AWAITED |
* All figures are to month end [AWAITED] unless otherwise indicated. Year to date for the Trust begins AWAITED and for Gold PM Fix begins December 30, 2021.
‡ Since March 20, 2015, the Trust has been using the LBMA Gold Price PM as the price of gold in determining the value of the Trust’s gold. Before that date, the Trust used the London PM Fix, which was discontinued on March 19, 2015.
† updated between 9.15pm and 9.45pm UK.
§ Returns are Annualized
GLD Share Price at Close
Cumulative ** †† | Trust | Gold Spot Price (Mid Point) |
Year to date ** ‡ | AWAITED | AWAITED |
1 month | AWAITED | AWAITED |
3 months | AWAITED | AWAITED |
6 months | AWAITED | AWAITED |
1 year | AWAITED | AWAITED |
5 year § | AWAITED | AWAITED |
Since inception (to month end) § | AWAITED | AWAITED |
** All figures are to month end [AWAITED] unless otherwise indicated.
†† Year to date begins AWAITED. Gold Spot Price taken as at 16.30 (NYT) note the price may differ from the London PM fix of the same day.
‡ updated between 9.15pm and 9.45pm UK.
§ Returns are Annualized.